text resorces

  • Hart, George. Eyewitness Ancient Egypt. New York: DK CHILDREN, 2000. Print
  • Hart, George. Eyewitness Ancient Egypt. New York: DK CHILDREN, 2000. Print.

Online resorce

  • http://gem.greenwood.com.proxy.mcpl.lib.mo.us/dls/dls.jsp?bk=egyptians&id=9-1

What were the daggers made of.

What were the weapon used in ancient egypt.

what was the most common weapon

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What are battle axes and how were they used.

Slice, the battle axe wins again. The battle axe had a sparkling silver handle and a long glistening blade designed for a slicing motion swing. The battle axe was just like a soldiers third arm , they always had it with them and it was the soldiers favorite weapon. On the top of this piece of work there was bronze or copper and was fitted into a socket, or lashed together by leather thongs. The soldiers were tough as nails so they didn't where armor and it was because of the intense heat. All the soldiers needed was there heavy battle, they were very deadly.

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